The system that challenges and validates assumptions about the transport impacts of new developments

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The sixth annual TRICS Training & Development Forum is to be held on Tuesday 18th June 2024 - The Caves, Edinburgh

The 2024 TRICS Training & Development Forum took place on Tuesday 18th June 2024 – The Caves, Edinburgh. Each of the presentations are available to download from the link below.

Technical analyses using the TRICS database are regularly undertaken by the TRICS team, with Technical Notes presenting the results. Guidance Notes to assist TRICS users are also available, including the important TRICS Good Practice Guide and TRICS Multi-Modal Methodology document. These reports are helpful and informative documents which are free to everyone, and can enhance the use and understanding of our system. They can all be downloaded directly from this website.

A number of online presentations have been put together following the publication of the Decide and Provide report released earlier this year, and we thought it would be a good idea to put a recording on the website to allow all TRICS Members to see these. The Covid-19 restrictions over the past 18 months have made it difficult to undertake presentations in person, so it is hoped that these short videos will assist until we can host a fully live event.



TRICS Consortium Limited are pleased to offer free in-person presentations at TRICS user offices that detail the various stages of the process of commissioning TRICS Standardised Assessment Methodology (SAM) surveys.

Free TRICS SAM Survey Process Presentation Sessions

4th July 2024

TRICS Consortium Limited are delighted to confirm that we have a date and venue booked for our 27th annual TRICS User Meeting in Central London.

This event will be taking place at One Birdcage Walk in Westminster on Tuesday 26th November 2024. It is a great, unique, and versatile venue overlooking St James’ Park, which we are visiting for the second time, featuring a comfortable auditorium and a separate breakout room. As per previous events, bookings will be available on a first come first served basis, with each user office able to send one attendee free of charge, with a buffet lunch provided.

We already have a great programme lined up, which will include the following:

  • Presenting ways in which users can expand their knowledge of TRICS and tips on making the most of the system.
  • Explaining some essential key elements of the TRICS Good Practice Guide, which is of high importance to both those writing Transport Assessments and those tasked with auditing them.
  • Providing the background of Decide & Provide, and how TRICS can be used in the most innovative way to help deliver Transport Assessments using this new approach.
  • A look at ways in which TRICS is transforming its communications with its users, including via social media, video coverage and its new and improved TRICS website.
  • A presentation on the application of Artificial Intelligence within Transport Planning, and how TRICS could benefit as we move deeper into the AI era.
  • An update on two much-anticipated TRICS research projects, these being servicing and deliveries at residential apartments in London, and levels of construction traffic at TRICS SAM surveys undertaken between 2021 and 2023.
  • A further guest presentation to be confirmed.

There will also be the opportunity to attend either a TRICS system demonstration in the breakout room or the TRICS Open Forum in the main auditorium in the final session of the day.

Registration on the day will commence at 0930, and the event will close at 1545.

We will be setting up our online booking system in late July/early August, and once this is running we will let everyone know. This event is expected to be popular, so when you do have the opportunity we advise you to book early to avoid any potential disappointment. Until then, please put Tuesday 26th of November 2024 in your calendar, and we look forward to welcoming the TRICS Community to our event, which promises to be a good day for everyone.

28th June 2024

We are pleased to announce the release of our latest TRICS database update, version 7.11.2.

This new version of TRICS will include 93 new survey days, covering a variety of development types across different regions within the UK and Ireland.

We look forward to continuing to work with all members of the TRICS Community and to providing regular system updates

21st June 2024

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Penny Winder.

TRICS Consortium Limited expresses our deepest condolences and thoughts to Penny's family, and to her colleagues at the company she founded, Alpha Parking, who remain one of our valued data collection contractors.

Our Project Director, Ian Coles, has paid the following tribute via our company’s LinkedIn group.

‘I did not know Penny on a personal level, but from meeting her on numerous occasions, I know that she will be dearly missed. Always the first to sponsor our TRICS user events, Penny without fail brought a genuine, positive energy into the room every time, and it was always a great pleasure to speak with her and to draw on her enthusiasm for everything she did. In fact, there was not one single occasion when I didn't see her friendly smile. It did not take long at all for me to realise that here was one of the genuinely good people. Penny was also instrumental in changes in TRICS and its processes on more than one occasion, so her positive and constructive influence was felt directly by us and will remain part of what we do. I am sure many others will be saying the same thing.

It is so sad to hear of Penny's passing, and this is a great loss to our industry, but I have no doubt she will live long in the memories of all who knew her, as will the fine knowledge she undoubtedly passed to her colleagues.

Rest in Peace Penny. One of the good people.’

10th May 2024

The question of regional trip rate variation and the inclusion/exclusion of TRICS sites by region has been raised numerous times by TRICS users over the years. The position of TRICS has always been that users should exercise good practice by considering local factors when using the site selection filtering process in our system instead of automatically rejecting some otherwise useful sites merely based on the region(s) that they are situated within. To finally address this issue on a technical and evidence-based level, in 2019 a technical analysis took place using the large database at our disposal, to examine and understand vehicular trip rate generation by region when compared to trip rate generation by TRICS location type. The results of this research provided hard evidence that clearly showed that significant correlations and patterns of variation only occurred when there were comparisons between location types, with comparisons between regions showing much more random and inconsistent results. This meant that we could build this clear evidence-based research into subsequent updates of our TRICS Good Practice Guide.

In short, there is no clear evidence within the thousands of surveys that TRICS has undertaken to show any logical reasoning for the automatic exclusion of sites based on region, whilst there is most definitely evidence to suggest that a more accurate approach is to assess the local factors that lead to true trip rate variation, such as TRICS location type, population levels, and public transport levels and accessibility, amongst other local influences. For example, a site in the North-East of England may have similar local characteristics to a site in the Midlands, Scotland or the South-West of England, or a site at the far edge of London may be considered like a site at the far edge of Manchester, Birmingham, or Glasgow. Similarities can be relative, for example in terms of the size of a town/city and the physical location of sites within them, but they can certainly exist across regions, just as the clear evidence gathered from our research showed. Comparing sites by region showed much more of a random and inconsistent scattering of trip generation levels, with the only conclusion being that any sort of consistent regional variation simply does not exist in the way that some practitioners may imply.

Therefore, TRICS Consortium Limited continues to urge practitioners to use our evidence-based research when it comes to selecting sites for the calculation of trip generation rates and avoid the unnecessary exclusion of sites based on region (which itself can reduce sample sizes to below robust levels). It is a much more accurate and correct practice to be inclusive by region and to focus more on the local variables where we have clearly found hard evidence that trip rate variation exists.

The full 2019 research report is called “A Comparison of Vehicular Trip Rate Variation by TRICS Regions and Location Types”, is freely downloadable, and can be found via the Technical Notes & Guidance Library on the TRICS website at the following location: Technical Notes and Guidance

The 2024 TRICS Good Practice Guide is also present and freely downloadable at the same location and can also be easily accessed when using TRICS. For reference, section 4 of our guidance, called “Site selection by Region, Location Type and other data fields”, is a very good and handy reference in explaining how TRICS sites should be selected and covers the trip rate variation research discussed here. As always, the TRICS team are on hand to assist should any members of the TRICS Community have any questions of clarification.

12th April 2024

The deadline for new TRICS SAM survey commissions for surveys taking place in the current Spring 2024 window has now passed (as of noon on 12th April 2024). Therefore, any new requests for SAM surveys will need to be for surveys taking place in the Autumn 2024 window, which runs from mid-September (once the schools have returned) until the end of November. Should there be Autumn surveys required please contact the TRICS team and these can be set up in our system.

30th January 2024

TRICS Consortium Limited are pleased to announce that we are now offering Travel Plan Monitoring Reports as an optional extra to clients who commission Standardised Assessment Methodology (SAM) surveys.

TPMR's are a very quick and handy way of presenting information on a site's travel plan and its multi-modal survey results, and include automated explanatory commentary that is designed to be understandable by those who may not be directly familiar with the workings of TRICS. SAM survey clients are now able to state their trip generation and mode split criteria for inclusion in the reports (i.e. start and end times, direction and mode type), with the reports being generated and supplied by TRICS as separate PDF documents. A bonus of TPMR's is that they can also include any previous surveys at the same development for comparative purposes.

Once a SAM survey is validated it can take up to three months for it to become available in one of our quarterly TRICS database updates, so including a TPMR along with the finalised survey outputs would mean that clients obtain these reports before they could be produced by any other party using the TRICS system.

The option for inclusion of TMPR's as part of SAM survey commissions (costing £212 + VAT for each report) has now been added to our survey agreements. If anyone would like further information please contact a member of the TRICS team.